Effective Silt Fence Installation Equipment
Call: (800)965-4665
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Comparison Data

The results are in - using the tommy™ will improve your bottom line.


Materials Costs

Trencher The tommy™
Prefab. cost $0.25 / ft
Labor ($100/500') $0.20 / ft
Minimum Cost $0.45 / ft
Material $0.10 / ft
Labor $0.10 / ft
Wood Posts $0.07 / ft
Minimum Cost $0.27 / ft



Productivity Impact

Trencher The tommy™
500'/man x 3 men x $1.00 / ft.
$1500 profit / day
1000'/man x 3 men x $1.00 / ft.
$3000 profit / day


Doubling the linear feet installed means halving the time spent at a client’s site, meaning you can service more clients in the same time with the same crew!



Customer Comments

I’ve had the tommy™ for five years now, and never had any problems on my sites, even with the stringent North Carolina regs. We run a couple of different companies, but with the tommy™ I can send out a relatively inexperienced crew and still get great looking fence. It gives us a very professional look with tight, non-sagging fence.

Curtis Lynn
Pressure Works Inc
Charlotte, NC